Sunday, April 4, 2010

Otres beach, a few snap shots...

Our resident Gecko who lived in our roof

Our fishing trip, to the islands for some snorkeling and fishing

Panith, our guesthouse mum and the Catch of the day
Dave with two Barracuda
Dave having a sunset swim on our last night
Bunna, the resident Cambodian kid, always cheeky, almost always cute


jez said...

are you sure you didn't snatch them from my fish tank darls?Watched a doco. on Cambodia last night..poorest country in Yet your depictions evoke beautiful vibes ..both of the people and the environs.I feel somewhat nostalgic about your departure although I am sure your imminent arrival into Vietnam will be equally as fascinating and alluring. Enjoy.

Amelia and Dave said...

It's hard to believe that a country can ever recover economically and emotionally after so many years of hardship (it basically had to start from scratch). Cambodia is a beautiful country in which we were sad to leave, but I am excited to explore Vietnam which has a rich and turbulent history in it's own right and is now enjoying a relatively healthy economy. It is amazing to see how culturally diverse S.E. Asia is even when you cross a land border. You just cross a river and you enter a completely new world awaiting your exploration. See you soon FATman!